S + R =O vs S=O

The Formula For Life.

Inspired by Pamela Hadfields work and formula. I was keen to discuss my view on her simple set of equations for life. How those that are successful use this formula and those that have undesirable outcomes also use this.

One of the basic principles I have picked up through my course and my extended reading is that no matter how bad a situation is we all have some choice in how we respond to a situation and circumstance in life, luck, work and love etc.

I get all my Life-Coaching clients to run through a simple exercise to gain a little bit of understanding of this concept during my initial modules or sessions with them. Those that tend to do a little better in life always seek to respond or take control of the small areas where control or influence is possible.

In life, we may not always be responsible for the event or the situation but we always have some control over how we respond (Dr. Frankl). Please feel free to view my video and reach out to me if you have any thoughts or questions.

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